Yes, because it comprises 60 - 70% silicon glass shards. It also has a high (.81) non-skid rating as paving.
No, we recommend that Hinuera Natural Paving is laid over concrete areas only, as Hinuera has a low flexural strength and therefore needs the concrete for support.
For Sawnstone or Splitstone, resealing is necessary every seven to eight years, with a spray on process. For stone pavers, resealing is needed every three years. For both cladding and pavers, a yearly wash with a soft brush keeps them looking their best.
No. Kiln firing provides more colour options. Kiln fired stone still needs to be sealed.
We recommend that you only use Dura grade stone that has been sealed and maintained every year around salt water pools. Please tell us that you are planning to use Hinuera Natural Stone around a salt water pool and we will discuss requirements with you.
Building Code - FAQ
Yes, but it involves special requirements as set out in the Hinuera Natural Stone User Guide . It involves the types of structures you can glue to, waterproofing requirements, cleaning areas before glue fixing, types of glues, the use of fixing brackets and waterproofing the Hinuera Natural Stone.
Hinuera Natural Stone should be treated the same as any other veneers as set out in NZ Standards e.g. NZS 3604 and related documents. Reference to NZS 3604 "Timber Framed Buildings" and NZS 4210 should be made during the design and construction phases of Hinuera Natural Stone veneer clad timber framed buildings.
We are limited to the size of the saw blades so the maximum height is less than 800mm and a good length is 1200 to 1600mm. But you must consider how you are going to lift bigger pieces of stone into place as the weight of Hinuera Natural Stone is 1900 to 2200 kgs per m3.